Yota Driver For Mac

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yotta is a tool that we’re building at mbed to helpourselves and others build better software for C-family languages by making iteasier to share and re-use software modules. It’s a command line tool yotta,but also a culture of building software components that do one thing well,declare a clear interface, and can be re-used.

Get started by installing yotta, and following thetutorial. yotta is still early in development, soif you have questions/feedback or issues, please report them on our githubissue tracker.

yotta is written in python,and distributed usingpip, the python packagemanager. You will need a working installation of both python and pip to installyotta, as well as a working development environment for compiling software, including:

  • CMake, the build system that yotta uses.
  • a compiler, to actually compile the code into working programs.

yotta supports compiling with different compilers by specifying differenttargets for the compilation, and a compilationtarget may have its own specific requirements.

To install yotta, please follow the detailed installation instructions for youroperating system below:

If you have a complex python setup on your system, you may want to considerinstalling yotta in a virtualenv, in order to separateits dependencies from other python programs on your system.

To upgrade an existing installation to a new version, seeupgrading (the same for all systems).

If you have a restrictive firewall setup, then for yotta to be fullyfunctional you may also need to ensure that it can accessthe required domains.

# Installing On OS X

# Manual Installation

First install homebrew, a package manager for OS X that we’ll use toinstall all of yotta’s dependencies.

Next, tap the ARMmbed brewformulae, which lets brewinstall packages from the mbed team:

Yota Driver For Mac Catalina

Now we can install everything that yotta needs:

And install yotta itself:

# Cross-compiling from OS X

To cross-compile, you need the arm-none-eabi-gcc cross-compiler. You caninstall this using homebrew, after tapping the ARMmbed homebrew packagerepository.

To use this compiler, you’ll need to select a supported cross-compilationtarget, such asfrdm-k64f-gcc, by runningyotta target frdm-k64f-gcc before building.

# Using Xcode’s compiler to build natively for OS X

To compile things natively you need to have the Xcode command line toolsinstalled. Install Xcode fromthe Mac app store, then run:

To use this compiler to build a module, you should run yotta targetx86-osx-native before building. This selects the yotta target description forthe native compiler.

# Solving Common OS X installation problems

On OS X, if you get an unknown argument error when running pip install yotta, it means some of yotta’s dependencies have not yet been updated to support Xcode 5.1.To fix this, install yotta by running:

# Installing On Linux

# Installing Dependencies

First install yotta’s dependencies using your system’s package manager. Usewhatever 2.7.* python version is provided by your distribution (python 3support is currently experimental).

on Debian and Ubuntu:

and on Fedora Linux (tested on FC21):

or under cygwin (on windows), which presents a linux-like environment to yotta:

  • install the windows dependencies
  • install the libffi-developer and openssl-developer cygwin modules as bothbinary and source
  • install python and pip in cygwin

# Install yotta Itself

After installing the dependencies, install yotta itself using pip (you may needto use sudo for this, depending on your configuration):

If you experience problems with a systemwide yotta installation on linux, youcan try installing yotta in a virtualenv byfollowing these instructions.

You can use the following commands to allow the current user to override moduledependencies using yotta link withoutsudo:

Yota Driver For Mac High Sierra

# Cross-compiling from Linux

To cross-compile yotta modules for embedded targets, you first need install thearm-none-eabi-gcc compiler.

On most Linux distributions (although not Ubuntu), this can be done by running:

On Ubuntu it’s necessary to use the ARM-maintained gcc-arm-embeddedpackage, instead:

To use this compiler, you’ll need to select a supported cross-compilationtarget, such asfrdm-k64f-gcc, by runningyotta target frdm-k64f-gcc before building.

# Using clang to build natively for Linux

Install a native compiler, such as clang:

To use this compiler to build a module, you should run yotta targetx86-linux-native before building. This selects the yotta target description forthe native compiler.

# Solving Common Linux installation problems

If you are having trouble with pip not installing yotta, try running sudo pip install -U pip to update your pip installation. Check that your pip installation is up to date by running pip -V, you should get a response of 7.1.2 or greater.

On Ubuntu the default pip installation python-pip is out of date (1.5.2) and cannot upgrade itself via sudo pip install -U pip. To solve this you will need to install pip from easy_install by running easy_install pip. You should then be able to install yotta by running pip2 install yotta.

If you encounter problems with the cryptography library, e.g. 'module' object has no attribute 'X509_up_ref', manually upgrading the cryptography library may fix your issue:

You can also try installing pip from the Pypy registry if everything else fails.

# Installing on Windows

# Manual Installation

  1. Install python. You must install python 2.7.9 or later for yotta to work on windows. Select either the x86-64 installer if you use 64-bit windows, or the x86 installer if you use 32-bit windows.

    During installation, be sure to select the “add to path” option. This will let you run python easily from a command prompt.

  2. Install CMake. yotta uses CMake togenerate makefiles that control the build. Select the latest availableversion, currently 3.2.1 The 32-bitversionwill work on all versions of windows. Be sure to check the “add cmake tothe path for current user” option during installation.

  3. Install Ninja, the small and extremely fast build system that yottauses. Download the release archive from the releasespage,and extract it to a directory (for example C:ninja).

  4. Add the directory you installed Ninja in to your path.

  5. Install the arm-none-eabi-gcc cross-compiler inorder to build software to run on embedded devices.

  6. Finally, open cmd.exe and run pip install -U yotta to install yottaitself.

# Cross-compiling from Windows

To use yotta to cross-compile binaries to run on embedded hardware, you need tofirst install the arm-none-eabi-gcccompiler. At the time of writing this,the latest version used for cross-compiling with yotta is gcc4.9.Download and install it, then add the bin/ subdirectory of the installationdirectory to your path. After you do that, you should be able to open cmd.exeand run arm-none-eabi-gcc from the command prompt. If that doesn’t work, makesure that your path is properly set.

To use this compiler, you’ll need to select a supported cross-compilationtarget, such asfrdm-k64f-gcc, by runningyotta target frdm-k64f-gcc before building.

# Building programs natively to run on windows


yotta does not yet allow compiling programs to run on windows. If you areadventurous and get it working, submit a pullrequest to update these docs.

# Solving Common Windows Installation Problems

error: command ['ninja'] failed

If you get an error when running yotta build which looks something like this:

This is caused by re-trying a yotta build after fixing a missingcross-compiler installation. After completing theinstallation of the compiler, you’ll need to run yotta cleanbefore running build again.

# Adding things to your PATH in windows

Your PATH environment variable holds the location of programs that can beeasily executed by other programs. If yotta fails to find one of itsdependencies (such as cmake.exe) the first thing to check is that you haveadded the directory that contains the dependencies executable to the PATH. Toadd things to your path:

  1. Right click on Computer, select Properties
  2. Select Advanced System Settings
  3. Select the Advanced tab
  4. Click the Environment Variables button
  5. Find the Path variable, edit it, and append the path you want to add,preceded by a semicolon, for example: ;C:Pathtowherever

    NOTE: be careful not to add any spaces before or after the semicolon,this can cause commands to fail later.

  6. finally, close then re-open any open cmd.exe windows

# Installing in a Virtualenv

Virtualenv is a way of separatingdifferent python programs installed on the same system from each other. If youhave a complex python environment on your system it’s recommended that youinstall yotta inside a virtualenv. To do this, first install the non-pythondependencies following the normal instructions for your platform, then:

  1. Ensure you have virtualenv itself installed. It can be installed with:

    Check that your installation is succesful by running virtualenv --version.

  2. Create a directory to use for the yotta virtualenv:

  3. activate the new virtualenv:

  4. install yotta in the virtualenv:

  5. (optional) add the binary directory of your virtualenv to your PATH: (ifyou omit this step, you will need to run yotta as../path/to/yotta-venv/bin/yotta instead of simply yotta.

Now yotta should work as normal. You will need to activate the virtualenvany time you want to run yotta commands (you can deactivate it afterwards, bysimply running deactivate).

# Upgrading yotta (all platforms)

To update yotta itself, run:

This will update yotta to the latest available version, and then install anymissing dependencies required by the new version.

Yota Driver Mac Os

You can also run:

This will also attempt to update all of yotta’s dependencies to their latestversions.

On Linux and OS X you may have to run these commands as sudo pip ...., ifpermission is denied.

# Setting up Tab Completion

yotta uses argcomplete to provide tabcompletion, so you can set up completion on Linux and OS X by adding thefollowing to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:

For more detailed instructions, see the argcompletedocumentation.